Presented a talk on women Bauls in India and Bangladesh at Pratham

Pratham USA – First in promoting childhood literacy in India April 23, 2015, South Bay From Pratham’s website (link)… In the 1990s, half of the world’s illiterate children were in India. We created Pratham to change that. We believe education is the fundamental right of every child and no child should be deprived of this basic right simply because he or she does not have access to it or does not have the resources to realize his or her dreams.

Oral Literature and Literate Orality 2014-2015

Sukanya presents on ‘Performing [as] Bauls: Renegotiating ‘Folk’ Identities Through the Lens of Performance’ Meadenhall, Stanford University. January 26, 2015, 12:00pm. We are delighted to announce Oral Literature and Literate Orality. This Geballe workshop examines the relationship of oral and written literature from a multidisciplinary perspective, considering topics such as the transmission and textualization of folk literature, the interplay between spoken word and written text, and the sociology of reading and performance. We are tremendously excited by our lineup of speakers, coming from across many disciplines, this coming year and hope…

Center for South Asia – Graduate Student Brown Bag Series

Sukanya Chakrabarti presents on “Performing [as] Bauls: Reimagining Performance, Identity and Spatiality Between Tradition and Modernity” Encina Hall West, Room 208, Stanford campus. October 9, 2014. In her talk on 9 Oct 2014, Sukanya will ask, “Who are the Bauls?” Click here to view a Video Snippet We kick off the first of this year’s talks at the Center for South Asia’s Graduate Brown Bag Series with Sukanya Chakrabarti’s “Performing [as] Bauls: Reimagining Performance, Identity and Spatiality Between Tradition and Modernity.” A doctoral candidate at the Department of Theater and…